Podcasts can be small video or audio files that you upload to support student or staff learning. Read through our bank of Ideas for learning to help you get started.
They Might Be Giants produce a very engaging range of podcasts, useful for student's of many ages.
Your students or colleagues will be able to view video and audio by either going directly to the project room and downloading the podcast or selecting the RSS feed option so they are alerted when new podcasts become available.
If you don’t have suitable podcasts, select quality evaluated video/audio via the Curriculum Exchange resource centre.
from the learning place:
Useful links
School Torque - The show for Aussie kids, made by Aussie kids
School Torque is a television program giving young Aussies a real voice in Australian Media. This site has loads of information for students wishing to develop a basic understanding of the principles, technology and techniques of video production.
GarageBand support - working with podcasts
Learn how to create your own rich and professional sounding podcasts using the GarageBand tools.
Search for Education Podcasts
Search iTunes for educational material.
Teacher Tube
Teacher Tube provides an online community for sharing instructional videos and fills a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners.
Search Atomic Learning for tutorials
The Learning Place has recently added Atomic Learning Tutorials through our website. They can be accessed through Blackboard. If you can not login to Blackboard then you need to register for a course or community first. We recommend registering for Teaching in Blackboard.
Switched on Teachers community
Join our Smart Classroom community of practice and share and review what teachers are doing around the start in make ICT integral to learning.
Also see comments and practicalities for podcasts, on this blog, on about 10/2. An advantage of print over spoken language is the ability to go back over and re read things that may have been missed. By taking advavtage of podcasting (both video and audio)students can access the podcast at a time that suits them and can listen / watch again if they require. There are a variety of educational podcasts available on ITunes.
Students can also make their own and upload them to Itunes. This again links to Keirsly and Schniedermanm's engagement hteory in that they are involved in a real world practical activity. If there are a variety of schools doing the same thing all over the world, it allows for students to see what others are doing and the conditions they live in all over the palce. This can be benficial for such subjects as SOSE. A step further than this is blogs which I will deal with in another post. The same things apply though. Students are able to request real world information from all over the place. This is much more engaging than simply looking up information in a text book (or online). It also allows more specific questions to be asked.
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